KCNSC Women in Engineering Scholarship

Kansas City National Security Campus Managed by Honeywell FM&T offers a $5,000 scholarship exclusively for college junior & senior engineering students participating in a Society of Women Engineers Collegiate Section. Community college students transferring to a four-year ABET accredited college or university for engineering are eligible to apply.

Eligible students shall be:

  1. Women who are entering their college junior or senior year;
  2. Have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA;
  3. Pursuing an engineering degree; and
  4. Participating in the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Collegiate Section

If selected for this scholarship, you are agreeing to engage with your Honeywell Mentor.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Which of the following programs do you plan to pursue?
  2. Are you a current member of the Society of Women Engineers (collegiate membership)?
  3. What do you hope to do with your career?
  4. Please upload a letter of recommendation from a school educator.
  5. If selected for this scholarship, you acknowledge that you must engage with your assigned Honeywell Mentor.