Tony DiPardo Instrumental Music Foundation Scholarship

The Tony DiPardo Instrumental Music Foundation and Scholarship Fund was established in honor and memory of instrumental music leader Tony DiPardo to support students pursuing instrumental music education at the college or university level and also programs that enhance and encourage students’ appreciation for instrumental music.

Students eligible for this scholarship must:

  1. Graduate from a Greater Kansas City area high school; and
  2. Currently play a musical instrument and have an express interest in continuing instrumental music study at the college or university level;
  3. Have/maintain an academic GPA of 2.5 on a four-point scale; and
  4. Be accepted to an accredited two or four-year college or university

While committing to instrumental music as a major at the college or university level is not mandatory for consideration, priority consideration will be given to applications of students who are pursing instrumental music as a major.

Supplemental Questions
  1. What instrument do you play?
  2. How long have you studied your instrument/in what grades?
  3. Were your instrumental music classes at school?
  4. How many hours per week were your music classes?
  5. If your instrumental music classes were not at school, please name the instructor.
  6. Please relate the role instrumental music has had in your life and personal development and how you see instrumental music fitting into your future.
  7. Please share an audio or video clip of no more than 5 minutes of yourself in the performing arts. If you need assistance, email us at
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