Bruce T. Hall Scholarship Fund

The Bruce T. Hall Scholarship fund is for students in the greater Kansas City metropolitan area pursing an advance degree in Social Work. To learn more about Bruce T. Hall, click here.

Eligible Students Shall be:

  1. at least 5 years into their career and have returned to college to obtain their advance degree
  2. pursuing their degree program at a college or university in the greater Kansas City metropolitan area, defined by Clay, Cass, Jackson and Cass counties in Missouri and Johnson and Wyandotte counties in Kansas

Preference is given to students who are in good standing with the Episcopal Church. It is not a requirement to be considered.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Referring back to the school and extracurricular/community involvement portion of your application, please describe how these experiences (participation in a particular activity, leadership position or honor received) have helped you grow as an individual and student.
  2. What motivated you to pursue a career in social work, and how do you envision making a positive impact in the field?
  3. Describe any financial hardships or challenges that may hinder your educational pursuits in social work, and explain how this scholarship would alleviate some of those burdens.
  4. What particular area or specialization within social work interests you the most (e.g., child welfare, mental health, healthcare, etc.), and why?
  5. This scholarship is intended for students who have been in their career for at least 5 years and are returning to pursue their education. Please outline your career to date and why pursuing your advanced degree in Social Work is important in your career path.
  6. Please upload a letter of reference.
  7. Please upload your most current resume that can summarize your education, career and other extracurricular activities.
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