KIPP KC SOAR (Student Opportunities and Academic Resources)

The KIPP KC Student Opportunities and Academic Resources (SOAR) Scholarship is a needs-based academic scholarship intended to aid each recipient with the financial obligations of his or her post-secondary school education. Recipients will be graduates of KIPP KC.

Students eligible for this scholarship shall be:

  1. High School Seniors with a 2.75 GPA (unweighted)
  2. Planning to enroll in full time in their college/university
  3. Graduates from KIPP Endeavor Academy or KIPP KC “Middle School”

Supplemental Questions
  1. Foundational to the KIPP experience is our POWER standards -- Purpose, Ownership, Wonder, Excellence, and Relationships. In 500 words or less, please select one of these standards and explain how you have exemplified it in your life since graduating from KIPP:KC, as well as how you plan to continue implementing it in your life after high school.