Stewart Kavesh Scholarship Fund

The Stewart Kavesh Scholarship Fund was established in honor and memory of Stewart Kavesh. The Fund will support the college attendance and performing arts interests of students graduating from Redondo Union High School, who participated with consistency, and excellence, in their high school’s performing arts programming.

Students eligible for assistance shall:

  1. Be a graduating senior of Redondo Union High School,
  2. Have participated with consistency and excellence in Redondo Union High School’s performing arts programming.
  3. Have/maintain an academic GPA of 3.0 on a four-point scale.

Supplemental Questions
  1. What is your area of performing arts (i.e. voice, theatre, instrumental music, productions)?
  2. How long have you studied in the arts/in what grade?
  3. How many Redondo Union High School productions were you a part of?
  4. Why did you select the college/university you are planning to attend?
  5. What do you hope to do with your education?
  6. Referring back to the school and community involvement portion of your application, please describe which of these experiences (participation in a particular activity, leadership position or honor received) has been most important to you and why?
  7. Please relate the role the perfoming arts has had in your life and personal development and how you see it fitting into your future.
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